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One Day In May June 1, 2008

Posted by pinkmamatini in Family.
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Avast, me hearties

We went to Kirkland Parks’ free Pirate Party today. There were lots of pirates, beads (pirate booty) to wear, and activity booths where Cameron particularly enjoyed looking at real pirate artifacts. We had our picnic lunch on the lawn while we enjoyed the tunes of Captain Bogg & Salty, a Portland pirate band. After lunch, while Rowan napped on Mommy in “his pouch” (Baby Bjorn), Cam & Daddy went to get a balloon pirate sword. After having had to wait in a long line for food, Cammie was exceedingly patient waiting in another for his sword. Then he tore off down the lawn & ran around like a wild man brandishing his inflatable weapon. When the concert was over, he burned off a little more energy at the playground before it started to sprinkle again.

Pirate Boys

On the way to the car, the balloon sword started to lose air and shrank down a bit. With his imagination, Cam can turn any object into something else in an instant. As we walked up the street, he put the balloon up to his mouth & said, “I’m playing the tuba.” He did that for about a block and by then the balloon had shrunk down considerably. He took a look at it and exclaimed, “now it looks like a penis!” Then, holding it the way he had the ‘tuba’ he said, “I’m playing the penis horn!” Mommy & Daddy totally lost it in fits of laughter, so of course this refrain was repeated all the way to the car… to the enjoyment of the neighborhood.

Cameron and His Sword turned Instrument

Next up was a surprise visit to the toy store. We’ve been putting in a sandbox and yesterday I told Cameron I had ordered the sand to be delivered Monday. He was very excited and asked, “Mommy, do you think tomorrow you could order toys for the sandbox?” Well, of course we need toys for the sandbox, but we thought it would be more fun to trek down to the store to let him pick some out. As soon as we were all loaded in the car, we told him our plan. He nearly came out of his seatbelt and could barely contain his excitement until he remembered the penis horn again and got back to playing a tune. So, which reality show should he do, the rockstar one or the comedian one?

Toys, toys, toys, yeah

While Daddy finished giving Rowan a bottle, Cam & Mommy headed in to GiganticToyStore to use the potty. As we neared the restroom area, there was a vile stench that would like to knock a person over. “Sheesh it stinks in here,” Mommy says, just before we open the door to the ladies’ room. There are only two stalls, one occupied, one open. As we go into the open one, Cam says, “yeah, SOMEBODY must be pooping! Pee-yoo!” Subtle.

Before we go back out, he gives me one of his random affirmations which I adore, “Mommy, I love you! You are so cute!” awww J

We picked out some sandcastle-making equipment, met up with Rowan & Daddy, and headed for the tractors. Not a thing distracted us on the way. Ahem; I apologize. Wishful thinking… After about 3 hours we finally reach the tractors, and then the great debate is on. (Oh, I would really enjoy this one, with the remote control. That’s not for outside; how about this cool green one? But I would really enjoy it. But it’s not for outside; come look at this front-loader. Why isn’t it for outside? Because it’s not rugged enough. But I would be really careful and I would really enjoy it. And so on…) After about another 3 hours, we settle on a front-loader, a dump truck, and a crane, all Tonka. Hooray, we’re done. Oh, except first we have to trek back through the store to the baby section & get the goods for little brother. A few rattle-y toys later & we’re done. Little brother is too little for an opinion. Tender mercies.

On the way home we stop off for a milkshake at the local DQ. Somehow in all of his four years, Cammie has never had a milkshake. How could that possibly have happened? After explaining what it was, what flavors you can get, and why it’s called a ‘shake’ he settled on strawberry for his first shake experience. We hit the drivethru & passed the shakes out to their respective owners. Awww moment #2: Between sips of strawberrycreamygoodness, we hear, “wow. What a lucky boy am I to get this milkshake. And those toys, and that pirate party. AND, I got water for breakfast!” Lest you think we’re derelict and don’t actually feed the boy breakfast, he was talking about the fact that since we had run out of milk, he got to drink water with his meal. Since it’s generally all milk, all the time, this was somehow a treat in the mind of our sweet preschooler. So our only falling down was running out of milk, which is unfortunately very easy to do in this house.

Good Night

As I was finishing the neckband on Cameron’s sweater (Oh Mommy, it’s so woolly!) I listened to Cam & Daddy on the monitor, going through the bedtime routine. They were done with books and were having a nice snuggle before saying goodnight when Daddy asked Cameron what the best part of the day was. Not the party – not the pirates, the picnic, the sword, the playground; not even the cool new toys. His best was the milkshake. Simple pleasures satisfy my boy. We’ve got to remember that more. When asked about the worst part of the day, he replied, “standing in that boring loooong line!” Yes.

What a great day we had.